
Skinwalker July 7, 2021

The Call

He looked around at the blood trail that led from behind him to where I sat. He examined the couch, turning from white to red the longer I sat there. I could feel the blood on my bare skin sticking to the couch as I shifted in my seat. “It was always about fun for you, Sani. That’s why the others made fun of you.”

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Fae Moon May 8, 2021

Wild Wind

Her magic was failing her even though, deep down, she knew it wasn’t true. It had always been savage and untethered, much like the wild wind flying around her. The harder she fought for control, the worse it got, but she refused to give up. The magic would be hers to control. She would not let it control her. And she definitely wouldn’t let someone else’s magic have power over her.

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Roots and Circle May 7, 2021

The Candidate

The mind is losing focus, and in the mirror, I notice that my shoulders are beginning to bow a bit. We’ve never let me get this physically old before. Even though this is a part of our strategy, I’m going to be honest with you, if a transition isn’t made soon, it’s possible I may actually die.

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Inside the Circle

From here, I can see the living and the dead. To be honest with you, they all look the same to me, and it doesn’t matter much who’s who or what’s what. I’ve been around for a while, and the space between memories being made and memories being recalled blends together. I simply come here to wait and listen for her voice.

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Fae Moon February 17, 2021

Running Away Home

The women gossiped and laughed as they huddled together on their way out the door. Feeling frustrated, Krista sent a small burst of air to tangle the women’s feet, then giggled as they all stumbled into each other. Because it was the first time she’d genuinely smiled all day, she added a blast of wind that sent their skirts flying over their heads. She slipped past them and headed home with a wide grin on her face.

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The Mad Oracle February 1, 2021

The Fool

My hand comes up to wipe away the tear that falls for the friends I lost that day.
Only a handful of us survived.
The cards never told me to leave the city before, not even then. So what in the name of beignets is coming?

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